Pacific Northwest Seminar on Topology, Algebra, and Geometry in Data Science: Topic Models, Methods, and Medicine Jamie Haddock, Harvey Mudd College |
PDL C-401 and online |
Career Transitions: Jobs Lunch Sara Billey |
PDL Lounge |
Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar: Lorentzian polynomials on cones and the Heron-Rota-Welsh conjecture Jonathan Leake, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany |
PDL C-38 and via Zoom Link: |
Probability Seminar: Many nodal domains in random regular graphs Theo McKenzie |
Smith 305 |
Math Department: Dawg Daze ACMS Prospective Major Q&A |
Math Department: Faculty Meeting |
PDL C-38 & Zoom |
Math Department: Dawg Daze Prospective Math Major Q & A |
VIA ZOOM Link Below |
Math Department: Math Major Application Q&A |
Join Zoom Meeting; must sign in with NetID ( |
Graduate Exams: General Exam Abeer Al Ahmadieh |
Via Zoom |
Math Department: Math Major Information Session |
Join Zoom Meeting, must sign in with NetID ( . |
Graduate Exams: Final Exam Ravi Shankar |
Number Theory Seminar: Fields generated by points on superelliptic curves Lea Beneish, McGill University and Chris Keyes, Emory University |
Zoom |
UW-PIMS Colloquium: Hidden Figures, Service Learning, and Mathematical Community Ranthony Edmonds, Ohio State |
via Zoom |
Graduate Exams: Final Exam Tim Mesikepp |
Graduate Exams: General Exam Cody Tipton |
Math Department: Teaching and Learning Seminar: What we've learned. |
| Meeting ID: 915 9864 1299 Passcode: 024689 |
Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar: On discrete gradient vector fields and Laplacians of simplicial complexes Andrew Tawfeek, Amherst College |
via Zoom |
Math Department: Faculty Meeting |
via Zoom |
Graduate Exams: Final Exam Sami Davies |
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: The Chow rings of the moduli spaces of curves of genus 7, 8, and 9 Samir Canning (UCSD) |
via Zoom |
Rainwater Seminar: Multidimensional Scaling on Metric Measure Spaces Lara Kassab, Colorado State University |
Zoom (link will be distributed via email) |
Graduate Exams: Final Exam Li Li |
Number Theory Seminar: Explicit isogenies of prime degree over quadratic fields Barinder Banwait, Harish-Chandra Research Institute |
Zoom |
Graduate Exams: Final Exam Zijian Li |
Differential Geometry/PDE Seminar: Geometric applications of the Laplace equation on Ricci-flat manifolds Jiewon Park (Caltech) |
Zoom: |
Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar: Morphisms, Minors, and Minimal Obstructions to Convexity of Neural Codes Amzi Jeffs, University of Washington |
via Zoom |
Graduate Exams: Final Exam Amzi Jeffs |
Rainwater Seminar: Survey on the Falconer distance set problem Hong Wang, Institute for Advanced Study |
Zoom (link will be distributed via email) |
CANCELED: Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Hodge theory for tropical varieties Omid Amini (École Polytechnique - France) |
via Zoom |
Number Theory Seminar: An example of a Brauer-Manin obstruction to weak approximation at a prime with good reduction Margherita Pagano, Leiden |
Zoom |
Graduate Exams: Final Exam Charles Godfrey |
Probability Seminar: Robust Replication of Volatility and Hybrid Derivatives on Jump Diffusions Matt Lorig, University of Washington |
Zoom |
UW-PIMS Colloquium: Machine Problem Solving Daniel Selsam, Microsoft Research |
via Zoom |
Graduate Exams: Final Exam Anthony Sanchez |
Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar: Many neighborly spheres Isabella Novik, University of Washington |
via Zoom |
Graduate Exams: Final Exam Reed Meyerson |
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Tropical Hodge theory for fans Matthieu Piquerez (École Polytechnique - France) |
via Zoom |
Graduate Exams: Final Exam Tuomas Tajakka |
Probability Seminar: Recent progress on random field Ising model Jian Ding, Univ of Pennsylvania |
Zoom |
Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar: On Schubert polynomials Karola Mészáros, Cornell University |
via Zoom |
Rainwater Seminar: Counting social interactions for discrete subsets of the plane Samantha Fairchild, University of Washington |
Zoom (link will be distributed via email) |
Graduate Exams: Final Exam Sam Fairchild |
Probability Seminar: Random growth in 1+1 dimensions, KPZ and KP Daniel Remenik, Universidad de Chile |
Zoom |
Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar: Complex analysis meets combinatorics Steffen Rohde, University of Washington |
via Zoom |
Math Department: Faculty Meeting |
via Zoom |
Graduate Exams: Final Exam Max Goering |
Rainwater Seminar: A Harnack inequality for weak solutions of anisotropic PDEs Max Goering, University of Washington |
Zoom (link will be distributed via email; if you'd like to attend please email Silvia at |
Probability Seminar: On local limit theorems for classes of dependent random variables Magda Peligrad, Univ of Cincinnati |
Zoom |
UW-PIMS Colloquium: Mathematics Teacher Performance Assessments Across Contexts Elese Washines, Program manager for the Yakama Nation Higher Education Program |
via Zoom |
Differential Geometry/PDE Seminar: Geometrically Finite Asymptotically Hyperbolic Einstein metrics Eric Bahuaud (Seattle University) |
Zoom: |