Events Archive

Title Date and Time Location
Number Theory Seminar: Equidistribution techniques in arithmetic dynamics: past and present
Nicole Looper, Brown University
- PDL C-401
Probability Seminar: Stochastic domination in determinantal point processes
Raghavendra Tripathi, UW
Denny 110
Career Transitions: Life in the software industry: one mathematician's perspective
Craig Citro, Google
- SMI 102
Differential Geometry/PDE Seminar: On asymptotically hyperbolic Einstein manifolds 
Jie QING (UC Santa Cruz)
- PDL C-38
Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar: Measures on graphs and a Kazhdan’s theorem
Farbod Shokrieh, University of Washington
- PDL C-401
Differential Geometry/PDE Seminar: An inverse problem for a semi-linear elliptic equation (Joint w/ IP seminar) 
Ali Feizmohammadi (University College London)
- PDL C-401
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Computations of the Brauer groups of some algebraic stacks
Minseon Shin, University of Washington
- PDL C-38
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Torsors, gerbes, and cohomology
Minseon Shin, University of Washington
- PDL C-38
Rainwater Seminar: On p-ellipticity and connections to solvability of elliptic complex valued PDEs
Martin Dindos, Edinburgh
PDL C-401
Probability Seminar: Anti-concentration in most directions
Anup Rao
Denny 110
Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar: The shape of a random pattern-avoiding permutation
Christopher Hoffman, University of Washington
- PDL C-401
UW-PIMS Colloquium: 3264 Conics in A Second
Bernd Sturmfels, MPI Leipzig / UC Berkeley
- BAG 154
Number Theory Seminar: Torsion points on curves of the form $y^n = x^d + 1$ 
Vishal Arul, MIT
- PDL C-401
UW-PIMS Colloquium: Mathematical sense and nonsense outside the classroom: How well are we preparing our students to tell the difference?
Robert Megginson, University of Michigan
- MEB 248
Differential Geometry/PDE Seminar: Artifacts in the inversion of some ray transforms with conjugate points in two dimensions (Joint w/ IP seminar) 
Yang ZHANG (Purdue U)
- PDL C-38
Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar: Embedding dimensions of convex codes
Amzi Jeffs, University of Washington
- PDL C-401
Math Department: Faculty Meeting - PDL C-38
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Metric Algebraic Geometry
Madeleine Weinstein, Berkeley
- PDL C-38
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: What is a Chow ring?
Madeleine Weinstein, Berkeley
- PDL C-38
Probability Seminar: Pinned Balls in a Gravitational Field
Shuntao Chen, UW
Denny 110
Graduate Exams: General Exam
Shuntao Chen
DEN 110
Graduate Exams: General Exam
Zijian Li
Differential Geometry/PDE Seminar: Approximation theorems for the Schrödinger equation and the reconnection of quantum vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates (Joint w/ IP seminar) 
Alberto Enciso (ICMAT, Spain)
- PDL C-38
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Reflection Hopf Algebras
Ellen Kirkman, Wake Forest University
- PDL C-38
Rainwater Seminar: Thurston maps with four postcritical points
Annina Iseli, UCLA
PDL C-401
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Symmetries and quantum symmetries of Artin-Schelter regular algebras
Ellen Kirkman, Wake Forest University
- PDL C-38
Number Theory Seminar: Supersingular Loci of Some Unitary Shimura Varieties
Maria Fox (Oregon)
- PDL C-401
Probability Seminar: Divergence, Gibbs measures, and entropic regularizations of optimal transport 
Soumik Pal, UW
Denny 110
Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar: A topological proof of the Shapiro-Shapiro Conjecture
Jake Levinson, University of Washington
- PDL C-401
Math Department: Faculty Meeting - PDL C-38
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Conformal blocks defined by modules over vertex algebras of CohFT-type
Chiara Damiolini, Princeton University
- PDL C-38
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Algebraic geometry using conformal blocks: a gentle introduction
Chiara Damiolini, Princeton University
- PDL C-38
Number Theory Seminar: Counting elliptic curves with an N-rational isogeny
Soumya Sankar, University of Wisconsin, Madison
- PDL C-401
Probability Seminar: The Nearest Unvisited Vertex Walk on Random Graphs
David Aldous
Denny 110
Differential Geometry/PDE Seminar: Acoustic Wave Imaging with Discontinuities (Joint with IP Seminar)  
Peter Caday (Intel)
- Padelford C-401
Differential Geometry/PDE Seminar: When does a domain have trigonometric eigenfunctions for the Laplace eigenvalue equation? 
Julie Rowlett
- PDL C-38
Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar: Signed tropical convexity
Georg Loho, London School of Economics and Political Science
- PDL C-401
Graduate Exams: Li Li General Exam
Li Li
LEW 208
Rainwater Seminar: The Riemannian Quantitative Isoperimetric Inequality
Max Engelstein, UMN
PDL C-401
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Twisted K3 surfaces in mixed and positive characteristic
Daniel Bragg, Berkeley
- PDL C-38
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: K3 surfaces in positive characteristic
Daniel Bragg, Berkeley
- PDL C-38
UW-PIMS Colloquium: On $C^{2,\alpha}$ estimates for levels sets of Allen-Cahn equation
Jun-Cheng Wei, University of British Columbia
- SMI 205
Career Transitions: Surviving and Thriving in the First Year of Grad School
Sara Billey and Tatiana Toro
- PDL C-38
Current Topics Seminar: Session 8
Sara Billey, Tatiana Toro
- PDL C-38
Graduate Exams: Final Exam
Diaaeldin Taha
OUGL 320
Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar: A Pieri rule for key polynomials
Danjoseph Quijada
- PDL C-401
Math Department: Faculty Meeting - PDL C-38
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Torsors on semistable curves and the problem of degenerations.
Vikraman Balaji, Chennai Mathematical Institute
- PDL C-38
Rainwater Seminar: General Exam
David Simmons, UW
PDL C-401
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Parabolic bundles and parahoric bundles
Vikraman Balaji, Chennai Mathematical Institute
- PDL C-38