Probability Seminar: Mathematical modeling of colorectal cancer initiation Ivana Bozic, UW |
LOW 105 |
Graduate Exams: General Exam Albert Artiles |
Math Department: Faculty Meeting |
PDL C-38 & Zoom |
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Varieties of general type with large canonical dimension Louis Esser (UCLA) |
Zoom |
Probability Seminar: On time-changes and profiles of trees Gerónimo Uribe Bravo, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México |
Zoom |
Career Transitions: Microsoft Presentation Elizabeth Wicks, Rukmini Iyer, and Charles Denis |
PDL C-38 |
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: The integral Chow ring of $M_{0}(\mathbb{P}^r,d)$ Renzo Cavalieri (Colorado State) |
PDL C-38 |
Rainwater Seminar: Global well-posedness for the fractional NLS on the unit disk Xueying Yu, University of Washington |
PDL C-401 |
Graduate Exams: General Exam Kevin Liu |
PDL C-38 |
Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar: Planar Tanglegram Layouts and Edge Insertion Kevin Liu, University of Washington |
PDL C-38 and via Zoom Link: |
Probability Seminar: Rates of convergence for a Gibbs sampler on the hypercube Andrea Ottolini, UW |
LOW 105 |
Pacific Northwest Seminar on Topology, Algebra, and Geometry in Data Science: Functional dimension of feedforward ReLU neural networks Kathryn Lindsey, (Boston College) |
Online via Zoom link |
Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar: Common tangents to polytopes and convex bodies José Alejandro Samper, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile |
PDL C-38 and via Zoom Link: |
Rainwater Seminar: Dirac operators and topological insulators Alexis Drouot, University of Washington |
PDL C-401 |
Probability Seminar: Random sorting networks and shift-invariance of the colored TASEP Lingfu Zhang (Princeton) |
Zoom |
Pacific Northwest Seminar on Topology, Algebra, and Geometry in Data Science: Applications of Group Symmetry Emily King, (Colorado State University) |
Online via Zoom link |
Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar: Non-realizability of polytopes via linear programming Amy Wiebe, Simon Fraser University |
PDL C-38 and via Zoom Link: |
CANCELED: Math Department: Faculty Meeting |
PDL C-38 & Zoom |
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Rational smoothness of symmetric varieties Monty McGovern (UW) |
PDL C-38 |
Probability Seminar: Hierarchies, entropy, and quantitative propagation of chaos for mean field diffusions Daniel Lacker (Columbia Univ.) |
Zoom |
Pacific Northwest Seminar on Topology, Algebra, and Geometry in Data Science: DNA: Dynamic Network Augmentation Scott Mahan (University of California, San Diego) |
PDL C-401 and online |
Probability Seminar: Gibbs’ theory and statistical physics: A third way to understand the world probabilistically? Hong Qian, UW Applied Math |
Zoom |
Pacific Northwest Seminar on Topology, Algebra, and Geometry in Data Science: A tool for deep learning model interpretability Davis Brown (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) |
Online |
Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar: Braiding and twisting open positroid varieties Christopher Fraser, Michigan State University |
Online only via Zoom Link: |
Pacific Northwest Seminar on Topology, Algebra, and Geometry in Data Science: From Zigzags to Networks: Topological Tools for Time Series Analysis Sarah Tymochko (Michigan State University) |
Online |
Probability Seminar: Persistence and root detection algorithms on growing networks Sayan Banerjee, UNC Chapel Hill |
Zoom |
CANCELED: Math Department: Faculty Meeting |
Current Topics Seminar: Current Topics Session 5 Max Lieblich and Bobby Wilson |
PDL C-38 and |
Graduate Exams: General Exam Kelvin Lam |
Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar: From symmetric functions, to knots, and back again Nicolle González, University of California Los Angeles |
PDL C-38 and via Zoom Link: |
Math Department: Faculty Meeting |
PDL C-38 & Zoom |
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Uniform potential density for rational points on algebraic groups and elliptic K3 surfaces Masahiro Nakahara (UW) |
PDL C-38 |
Probability Seminar: Probability Seminar Natasha Blitvic |
Pacific Northwest Seminar on Topology, Algebra, and Geometry in Data Science: Private AI: Machine Learning on Encrypted Data Kristin Lauter, Facebook AI Research (FAIR) |
SIG 134 and online |
CANCELED: Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar: Braiding and twisting open positroid varieties Christopher Fraser, Michigan State University |
PDL C-38 and via Zoom Link: |
Math Department: Undergraduate Math Major Information Session |
Rainwater Seminar: Counting special Lagrangian classes and semistable Mukai vectors for K3 surfaces Heather Lee |
Number Theory Seminar: Markoff-type K3 Surfaces: Local and Global Finite Orbits Matthew Litman, UC Davis |
Zoom |
Math Department: Undergraduate Math Major Information Session |
Graduate Exams: General Exam Haim Grebnev |
Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar: Multiplicities of maximal dominant weights of some affine Lie algebra modules Kailash Misra, North Carolina State University |
THO 202 and via Zoom Link: |
Probability Seminar: The scaling limit of the characteristic polynomial of a random matrix at the spectral edge Elliot Paquette |
Zoom Meeting ID: 992 8713 1654 |
Graduate Exams: General Exam Thomas Carr |
PCAR 395 |
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Derangements and the p-adic incomplete gamma function Harry Richman (UW) |
PDL C-38 |
Graduate Exams: General Exam Peter Rudzis |
Probability Seminar: Rough Billiards Peter Rudzis |
Zoom Meeting ID: 992 8713 1654 |
Graduate Exams: General Exam Kevin Chien |
Via ZOOM |
Graduate Exams: General Exam Catherine Babecki |
PDL C 38 |
UW-PIMS Colloquium: Nonlinear PDEs in Lagrangian geometry Arunima Bhattacharya, UW |
PAA A110 and via Zoom ( |
Current Topics Seminar: Current Topics Session 4 Gaku Liu and Ricky Liu |
PDL C-38 and Zoom: |